Sensibo Blog
Smart Indoor Climate Control &
Air Quality Management
High outside temperatures in the summertime can rapidly cause interior temperatures to rise, making it challenging to maintain a comfortable temperatu...
Summer Home Maintenance Checklist to Keep Your Home Comfortable
There are numerous reasons for summer home maintenance, but above all, summer home maintenance ensures that your home remains safe, and comfortable du...
How to Reset Air Conditioner: Guide for Safe AC Reset
Air conditioners are essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment, but they can sometimes require a reset to function correctly. Common ...
What is the Major Advantage of Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems?
When deciding on an air conditioning system for a home or commercial space, the most common choices are central AC systems, window units, and the grow...
Why is the Fan not Working on an Air Conditioner? 5 Reasons
The important component of the modern creation is the air conditioner, which has become more than just a modern comfort; it is an essential means of e...
How to Recharge Your Home Air Conditioning System? 3 Easiest Ways
A correctly charged air conditioning system will operate efficiently and consume less current and will prolong the life of your unit. An air condition...
Why Are My Air Conditioner Filters Turning Black? 5 Most Common Reasons
Air conditioner filters are very important for keeping HVAC systems working well and lasting a long time. These filters help keep the air inside homes...
How Long Does it Take an Air Purifier to Clean a Room?
Air purifiers are necessary devices that remove pollutants from indoor air, making places healthier and more comfortable for people who live or work t...
Heat Pumps vs. Mini-Splits. What Is the Difference?
Both heat pumps and mini-splits are popular ways to heat and cool homes. They are good at keeping the temperature just right in various settings. Both...
Top 10 Plants That Help With Air Quality in Your Home
The quality of the air inside our homes has a big effect on our health, happiness, and overall well-being. Pollutants like benzene, formaldehyde, and ...
Difference Between Air Purifier and Humidifier: Which One Do You Need?
A lot of people worry about the quality of the air inside their homes and places of work because it affects everything from our health to our happines...
Can Poor Air Quality Cause Headaches? Effective Methods of Protection
Our daily lives are significantly impacted by indoor air quality (IAQ), which has a dramatic effect on our comfort, well-being, and health. In terms o...