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Winter Preparation Checklist for Home: 7 Key Tips

8 minute read

Now's the ideal time to get your house ready for the colder months ahead as the chill of winter weather begins to slink in. Nobody wants to deal with frozen pipes, sky-high heating costs, or unanticipated repairs right in the middle of winter. There is where a little winter preparation can really help.

Consider it this way: getting ready for your house now will help to reduce problems down the road. It's about keeping things running smoothly so you might concentrate on enjoying peaceful evenings indoors instead of rushing to mend things when it's already freezing outside. By following these easy guidelines, you will not only prevent expensive repairs but also maintain the warmth of your house and increase energy efficiency, so saving some money during the process. Who would not want that?

So grab your checklist, and let's explore the seven main ideas that will keep you comfortable all season long and make your house winter-ready.

Seal Drafts and Windows

Your first line of defense against cold weather in the home involves keeping the heat where it belongs—indoors. One of the largest culprits for heat loss is drafts sneaking in through gaps around such areas as doors and windows or any other possible opening. These little gaps, if left untreated, will make your warm home a cold space and work your heating system harder than it should be. This becomes particularly crucial when there is a winter storm and people need to maintain indoor warmth as much as possible.

How to Seal Drafts

The very first thing to do to avoid heat leakage is to check around your windows and doors. Any small crack can invite cold air in. Fortunately, sealing drafts in your place is not very complicated or expensive.

  • Weatherstripping: This is an easy temporary fix to seal up gaps around doors and window frames. It acts as a flexible barrier that blocks drafts but still allows the smooth operation of opening and closing doors and windows. Application of weatherstripping can help in severe heat loss and keeping your home warm and snug.
  • Caulk: The best for windows or other stationary openings is caulking. Take caulk and seal those cracks along the edges of the window panes, or any other fixed gaps through which cold air may sneak. A little tube of caulk can make quite a difference in keeping cold air outside where it belongs.

Efficiency Enhancement with Smart Devices

Once you've sealed those drafts, take your winter preparations to the next level by going smart. Devices like Sensibo will keep you abreast of how warm or cool you're keeping your house and whether you're wasting energy. It automatically adjusts your heating system according to real-time temperature readings, hence maximizing efficiency while keeping your home comfortable.

For example, once your house is sealed and properly insulated, Sensibo will adjust the thermostat accordingly to make sure that heating system isn't overworking when it doesn't need to. It's an easy way to make certain your efforts to block drafts are backed by smart, energy-saving technology.

Seal any drafts and use smart devices, and your home will stay warm through even the toughest winter weather. You'll also save energy costs, making your home comfortable and efficient throughout the winter.

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Check and Upgrade Insulation

Amongst the best defenses against extreme cold is proper insulation. If your home is lacking proper insulation within some of the key areas, such as the attic, walls, and crawl spaces, then it will surely lose a lot of heat, which, in turn, will raise energy bills and make rooms uncomfortable. Insulation wraps your home like a warm blanket, helping to keep the warm air inside while keeping the cold from sneaking in.

Why Insulation Matters

Start by checking your home's insulation, especially in the attic, as heat rises very easily and can escape through the roof if it is not well-insulated. Other weak points where heat may be lost include crawl spaces and walls. Cold drafts, cold spots, and high energy bills can mean your insulation is not doing its job.

One of the smartest investments a homeowner can make is upgrading the insulation in an under-insulated home. Adding or replacing insulation in these areas assures that warm air remains inside but puts less pressure on the heating system. This will keep your home far more comfortable during extreme cold periods, and you will save energy costs over a longer period.

Monitor Temperature with Smart Devices

After inspecting and upgrading your insulation, smart devices like Sensibo will go a long way in ensuring comfort and efficiency. Some of the air quality and temperature monitoring capabilities that Sensibo offers enable you to monitor rises and falls in temperature throughout your house. If you find some areas of your house constantly see bigger drops in temperature, that might be because there are problems with their insulation. With real-time data, you can identify these poorly insulated spots and take action before the winter chill sets in.

Service Your Heating System

Your heating system should carry on with its role in keeping your home warm and comfortable throughout winter. But, if not serviced, it may have to work harder than it should, increasing your energy bill and likely giving up its ghost at the most inappropriate time. So, it is very vital that servicing of the heating systems forms part of your winter preparation checklist.

Schedule a Maintenance Check

The best thing to do before the cold temperatures set in is to make sure you have professional maintenance on your furnace, boiler, or HVAC. This regular maintenance will help ensure your heating system is operating effectively and will be able to handle the additional demands during colder months. A qualified technician should be able to check the system for probable problems like wear and tear of the parts, leaks, or accumulation that hinders the functioning of the system.

By noticing these issues early, you won't have any expensive emergency repairs and can even extend your system's life. Plus, an efficiently running heating system uses less energy, which of course, translates into lower utility bills-a win-win for both your wallet and home.

Replace or Clean Air Filters

One of the most important-but often forgotten-tasks is cleaning or replacing your air filters. Over time, the filters will collect dust, dirt, and allergens that can really constrict airflow and make the heating system struggle to maintain a comfortable temperature. This extra strain does not just lower efficiency; it can also lead to overheating and system breakdowns.

By regular substitution or cleaning of air filters, you will be improving not only the performance of the system but also enhancing the quality of air inside your house. Clean air filters contribute to the even distribution of warm air to make every corner of your home warm during the cold season. Simple, it may be, but it makes a world of difference in how well your heating system works.

Regular maintenance, changing filters, and a professional tune-up will keep your system running efficiently, reduce the likelihood of breakdowns, and keep your home warm throughout the season. Make sure it's one of the first tasks on your winter preparation checklist.

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Reverse Ceiling Fans

Most people view ceiling fans as methods of cooling down during the summer, but very few realize their added benefit of keeping your home warm during those winter months. Just by reversing the rotation of your ceiling fans to a clockwise motion, you increase your home's heating efficiency. Such a small act is an often-ignored yet vital part of winter home maintenance.

How Reversing Ceiling Fans Helps

These fans would push this warm air down into the room at a low speed in a clockwise direction; air would otherwise naturally rise to the ceiling. The result of this redistribution is less reliance on constantly turning up the thermostat. Instead of having that warm air just linger above you, the air circulates through the space and keeps everyone cozy without overworking your heating system.

Benefits of Improved Air Circulation

Running your ceiling fans in reverse will give you a more evenly warm living room in those large rooms with high ceilings. This simple adjustment evens out the temperature in your home so that cold spots become fewer and your heating system won't have to struggle as much to keep comfort inside. It's an easy step and energy-efficient, which might make quite a difference during winter.

Insulate Pipes and Protect Against Freezing

One of the greatest risks to your home when extreme cold sets in is frozen pipes. If pipes that are exposed aren't properly insulated, they can freeze and expand, sometimes even bursting, which causes costly water damage. Pipe insulation, especially in unheated areas like basements, garages, and crawl spaces, is key to help protect pipes from freezing.

Why Pipe Insulation is Important

The worst thing that could happen to exposed pipes during a winter storm or any time of freezing temperatures is freezing. Wrapping the insulation around it with foam, rubber, or fiberglass acts like a shield, holding warmth and not allowing the water inside to freeze. Insulating pipes can be relatively cheap; however, should damage occur, it can save quite a bit of headache and repair costs.

This would include garages, attics, or any area outside a wall. Keep these areas as well insulated as possible, and your pipes should remain safe even in drastically cold temperatures.

Don't Forget Outdoor Water Sources

Along with insulating indoor pipes, there are a few things you can do to prepare your outdoor water sources before the cold weather sets in. Drain and disconnect any outdoor hoses, and then shut off the water supply to outdoor faucets. When water is left inside these pipes, it freezes and expands. It could be possible for that pipe to crack or even burst. By draining outdoor water sources, you minimize the potential for pipe damage that could be more difficult and costly to reach during winter.

Prepare Windows with Insulated Curtains

Many times, windows are one of the primary areas in your house where heat is lost. The use of thermal or insulated curtains would make a big difference to keep your indoor temperature at an inviting scale. The unique design in these kinds of curtains increases insulation, thereby keeping the warm air inside and the cold air outside. It's an easy yet effective upgrade to your doors and windows to improve energy efficiency at home.

How Thermal or Insulated Curtains Work

These curtains are thick and can withhold heat by keeping drafts away and reducing the escape of heat through doors and windows. In that regard, when you install them in your home, you make a barrier that will keep the warmth inside, and thus, it will not be difficult for the heating system to maintain a certain level of temperature. That means the burden on the heating system is, therefore, lessened, which eventually saves energy and keeps your home cozy.

Bring in the Light and the Heat

Employ them well by opening them during the day to allow sunlight to heat up your home and closing them at night to block any heating from getting through via the windows. The above simple routine should help maintain temperatures without over-reliance on the heating system.

Use Smart Technology for Better Efficiency

Pairing your insulated curtains with smart devices like Sensibo can take your efforts to the next level. Sensibo’s sensors can monitor temperature changes throughout the day and adjust your heating system accordingly. Say the evening comes along, and the room cools down once the curtains are closed; it can automatically adjust the heating for comfort without overworking the system. This will be such a smart supplement to your effort at insulating the windows to keep you efficient and comfortable through winter.

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Set the Perfect Temperature for Comfort and Efficiency

The ideal blend between comfort and saving energy on the list of winter preparation checklists for homes is one of the last yet crucial things to do: setting your thermostat at the most optimal temperature that will keep your house warm and heat it without over-increasing the heating costs. According to experts, it should be kept around 68°F throughout the day when you are in the house and lowered at night or when not in the house. This small trick will drastically cut down your energy use without compromising comfort.

Temperature of Efficiency

The key to maintaining comfort in the home without overloading the heating system is to keep the temperature as constant as possible during the day, around 68°F. At night, when sleeping is usually easier and more comfortable with cooler temperatures, the thermostat setting can be lowered a few degrees. Keeping the temperature lower while you sleep or are away will save you a bit on your energy costs without freezing your pipes.

Use Smart Technology for More Control

This is the reason why using a smart AC controller like Sensibo will help one do even better in terms of control and efficiency, thus keeping a perfect balance between comfort and savings. Using Sensibo, you will be able to set up personalized temperature schedules according to your daily routine so the heating automatically adjusts when you need it most. You could set it up, for example, in a way that at night, it cools the temperature down or warms the house up before you get up in the morning so you will immediately be comfortable after you have woken up.

Sensibo's real-time monitoring allows you to view indoor temperatures and adjust your AC remotely through your smartphone, which is great for those erratic winter days. And here is the cherry on top: besides adding to the comfort, using a smart AC controller minimizes energy costs without having to constantly fiddle with the thermostat.

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